For all emergencies:
The switchboard will coordinate the help you need.
They are available at all hospitals, railway station and airports. San Giovanni, in Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano, is the central hospital for road accident and other emergencies: for first aid please call: Phone (0039) 06 - 7705 5297
The American hospital in Rome
ADDRESS: 69, via Emilio Longoni Phone (0039) 06 225 5290
It is a private English-speaking hospital which accepts most american insurance plans. The International Medical Service will refer callers to English-Speaking doctors.
Phone (0039) 06 - 488 2371 (nights and weekends : 06 - 488 4051)
Association Columbus
Address: 00168 Roma (RM) - 31, v. Moscati
Phone: (0039) 0635031
Dermatological institute of immacolata
Address: 00167 Roma (RM) - 104, v. Monti di Creta
Phone: (0039) 0666461 - fax: (0039) 0666464492
Azienda ospedaliera Lazzaro Spallanzani
Address: 00149 Roma (RM) - 292, v. Portuense
Phone: (0039) 06551701
Aurelia hospital
Address: 00165 Roma (RM) - 860, v. Aurelia
Phone: (0039) 0666418607, 0666419050
Hospital complex S. Filippo Neri
Address: 00135 Roma (RM) - 5, p. di S. Maria della Pieta’
Phone: (0039) 063306001, 063380356, 063381652, 063382280
Policlinic Umberto I
Address: 00161 Roma (RM) - 155, vl. del Policlinico
Phone: (0039) 064455793, 064941198, 064941512, 064941539
Israelitic hospital
Address: 00148 Roma (RM) - 14, v. Fulda
Phone: (0039) 06655891, 066573092, 066573093
Hospital S. Giovanni
Address: 00184 Roma (RM) - 8, v. dell’ Amba Aradam
Phone: (0039) 0677051
Hospital Villa San Pietro Fatebenefratelli
Address: 00189 Roma (RM) - 600, v. Cassia
Phone: (0039) 0633581, 06331611, 0633250790, 0633251363
First Aid ambulance service
Phone (0039) 118
Red Cross ambulance service
Phone (0039)5510
Fire Brigade
Phone (0039)115
Road Assistance
Phone (0039)116